Pipe-Like Vaporizers

This Smart Vaporizer is Based on Induction and Inspired by Old Timey Pipes

The Evoke smart vaporizer is blowing its competition out of the way by being healthier, luxuriously designed and more technologically advanced than other vapes on the market. Created by LotoLabs, the electronic vaporizer uses the scientific process of induction, making it last longer and require less replacing than its counterparts as well.

The Evoke is clearly inspired by the wooden smoke pipes of times past. The beautifully designed vape, rather than being sleek like a pen or discrete and hide-able, this product is meant to be something you want to show off.

The smart vaporizer has chip technology and is also app-connected, and will hopefully eventually be able to integrate with other health-tracking apps so you can better monitor your tobacco usage along with heart rate and other vitals.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Vaporizers - The trend of vaporizers with smart capabilities that integrate with health-tracking apps presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the e-cigarette industry.
2. Induction-based Vaporizers - The trend of using scientific processes like induction in vaporizers has the potential to disrupt the traditional market of vaporizers based on heating elements.
3. Luxuriously Designed Vaporizers - The trend of beautifully designed vaporizers that resemble classic wooden smoke pipes can serve as a disruptive innovation opportunity for brands trying to stand out from the competition.
Industry Implications
1. E-cigarette Industry - The e-cigarette industry can capitalize on the trend of smart vaporizers that integrate with health-tracking apps to attract health-conscious customers.
2. Vaporizer Manufacturing Industry - The vaporizer manufacturing industry can disrupt the traditional market by developing vaporizers that use induction-based heating elements instead of traditional heating elements.
3. Luxury Smoking Accessories Industry - The luxury smoking accessories industry can tap into the trend of beautifully designed vaporizers that resemble classic smoking pipes to appeal to consumers who value both style and functionality.

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