Smart Plate

It Picks Your Food

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Stop worrying about you weight problem and how to control your hunger, because if you aren't ashamed of letting a dish ruin your life, we have a solutions!

The "talking plate" is 15 centimetres in diameter and connected to a palm-sized computer. Weight sensors allow the diner to load up his plate with a fixed volume of food, and if he piles on more a recording informs the diner of his impending sin.

"The idea behind this device is that we only start feeling we are full twenty minutes or more after we start eating, and in that time period it's time enough to eat two or three times the proper amount of food," Chausovsky explained. "The belt tells the wearer he has reached 'fullness' before the person's own body will tell him he is full."
Trend Themes
1. Smart Plate Technology - The development of smart plate technology presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for the wellness industry to help individuals control their portion sizes and prevent overeating.
2. Connected Dietary Devices - The emergence of connected dietary devices opens up disruptive innovation opportunities for the health tech industry to create personalized tools that monitor and guide individuals in making healthy food choices.
3. Real-time Food Consumption Monitoring - The trend of real-time food consumption monitoring provides a disruptive innovation opportunity for the fitness and nutrition industry to create smart solutions that track and provide immediate feedback on a person's eating habits.
Industry Implications
1. Wellness Industry - The wellness industry can leverage the smart plate technology to develop innovative products that help individuals prioritize portion control and improve overall eating habits.
2. Health Tech Industry - The health tech industry can tap into the market of connected dietary devices to create advanced tools that assist users in monitoring and managing their nutritional intake for better health outcomes.
3. Fitness and Nutrition Industry - The fitness and nutrition industry can capitalize on real-time food consumption monitoring to create disruptive solutions that promote mindful eating, enabling individuals to make healthier food choices and maintain a balanced diet.

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