Smartphone-Connected Picture Frames

The 'Aura' Smart Picture Frame Updates as You Snap Photos

Many smart picture frames on the market will require users to change the photos via a memory card or through an app, but the 'Aura' picture frame takes a different approach. Connecting directly to your smartphone, the 'Aura' frame will refresh with new photos that you have taken as soon as you connect to a mutual WiFi network. This helps to eliminate the need to update the frame with new pictures every so often to keep the memories flowing continuously.

The 'Aura' smart picture frame features an advanced quality filter that will instantly weed out photos that aren't the right orientation or that are poorly shot. This eliminates photos that are too dark, too light or too blurry from being included in the slideshow.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Picture Frames - New advancements in picture frames allow for direct connection to smartphones, enabling instant updates of new photos with quality filters to ensure the best viewing experience.
2. Wifi-connected Devices - The ability for devices to connect via WiFi networks opens up new possibilities for automatic updates and increased convenience.
3. Automatic Content Refreshing - Innovations in content refreshing allow for seamless updates and eliminate the need for manual updates.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Innovations in smart picture frames create significant disruptive innovation opportunities for the consumer electronics industry.
2. Photography - Increasing connections between photography and technology provides great opportunities for innovation in the photography industry.
3. Smart Home Automation - Smart picture frames with WiFi connectivity can provide a basis for innovation within the home automation industry.

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