Single-Piece Wooden Chair Concepts

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Deniz Atkay Designs the Slide Table Concept with a Single Sheet

Deniz Atkay designed the Slide Table, which is a design concept highlighting the elements of its packaging and manufacturing process. All parts of the entire table are made with a single sheet of wood which means that the mass-produced variations would have the same quality.

This achieves a sustainable notion as the designer was looking to reduce the most amount of waste possible. The surface is a circle disc which is carved from the center of a wooden plank. The remaining areas are cut into half which function as the legs which are meant to 'slide' into each other with an intersecting middle area -- it creates a cross which is the base support of the disc seat.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Furniture Design - Innovative approaches to furniture manufacturing emphasizing minimal waste production and efficient use of materials.
2. Single-sheet Construction - The creation of products from a single sheet of material, ensuring uniformity and potentially lowering production costs.
3. Packaging-integrated Products - Designs that incorporate the packaging process into the product's concept, reducing additional material needs and enhancing sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The sector focused on producing household and office furnishings, which can benefit from innovations in single-sheet construction to minimize waste.
2. Sustainable Design - An industry dedicated to creating eco-friendly products, where integrating the packaging process can significantly reduce environmental impact.
3. Woodworking - The craft and profession involving creating products from wood, with opportunities to adopt new methods that maximize material efficiency.

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