Automated Infant Rocking Devices

The 'Sleepytroll' Lulls Infants to Sleep When They Wake Up

The 'Sleepytroll' is a device that aims to make the process of getting a baby back to sleep far simpler for new parents who need a bit of assistance. Working with your choice of stroller or bed, the device works by activating the integrated flywheel whenever it detects that the child has woken up to get them back to sleep quickly and without parental interference. The device will automatically stop after three minutes of operation once the child has gone back to sleep to make it an effective option for parents who need a bit of a helping hand with a newborn.

The 'Sleepytroll' device has been designed by Ståle Flataker and can also be manually turned on to get babies to sleep quickly.
Trend Themes
1. Automated Infant Rocking Devices - The increased demand for automated infant rocking devices is an opportunity for companies that could produce more advanced and diversified products.
2. Assistive Parenting Technology - The market for assistive parenting technology is growing, creating a demand for companies that could create more helpful devices to simplify the parenting process.
3. Sensors in Baby Devices - The inclusion of sensors in baby devices presents the possibility of developing more efficient, effective, and smart devices for infants.
Industry Implications
1. Baby and Childcare - The baby and childcare industry could take advantage of the increased demand for automated infant rocking devices to create more advanced and diverse products for parents.
2. Technology Hardware - The growing market for assistive parenting technology shows potential for tech companies to produce and advance helpful devices for the parenting industry.
3. Sensor Technology - Sensor technology companies could work together with baby and childcare companies to create smarter and more efficient baby devices.

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