Creativity-Driven Mixed-Reality Apps

The Skipy App Encourages Kids to Explore Creative Routes

Skipy is an only app that is developed to encourage creative thinking for kids, aimed towards helping them build strong foundational skills. It features a simple kit that bridges both the real and the virtual world, bridging the gap between the two.

Founder Ajay Das to give kids a better sensory feeling than what they can do with pen and paper, creating an experience that merges that with digital experiences as well, in a way that is entertaining and educational. The drawings that kids create are able to bring to life with the app, which initiates storytelling and creativity for kids. Skipy features games, greetings, stories, and more, allowing them to interact with their drawings. The app also features 40 short drawing exercises and seven different stories with more available for purchase.
Trend Themes
1. Mixed-reality Education - Opportunity to develop mixed-reality apps and tools that enhance educational experiences for kids.
2. Interactive Storytelling - Potential to create apps and platforms that bring children's drawings to life and encourage storytelling.
3. Augmented Creativity - Chance to leverage mixed-reality technology to enhance creativity in children through interactive and immersive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Edtech - Innovations in mixed-reality education apps can disrupt the traditional education industry by offering engaging and interactive learning tools.
2. Children's Media - Opportunity for children's media companies to incorporate mixed-reality elements into their content, creating immersive and interactive experiences for young audiences.
3. Toy Industry - Potential for toy companies to develop mixed-reality toys that merge physical and digital play, enhancing creativity and imagination in children.

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