Analogue Desktop Synthesizers

Moog's Sirin Synth is a Limited Edition Follow Up on the Minitaur

Moog Audio recently unveiled the Sirin, a two oscillator, analog desktop, monophonic synthesizer from the brand's Taurus family of products.

The Sirin was created in celebration of the 2019 Moog House of Electronicus experience in Los Angeles, a pop-up event that enabled audio tech enthusiasts to explore the brand's different products and test them out for themselves.

With computer integration, this instrument comes with a software editor that greatly expands the capabilities of the synth. Based on brand's earlier synth, the Minitaur, the Sirin boasts a similar chassis and layout with a wider frequency range of the signature Moog sound.

With the Sirin created as a limited edition release, those interested in getting their hands on one will have to put an order in through the Moog website quickly.
Trend Themes
1. Analog Desktop Synthesizers - The growing popularity of analog desktop synthesizers presents opportunities for companies to develop innovative products with attractive price points.
2. Limited Edition Releases - Limited edition releases provide companies with an opportunity to create buzz around a new product and drive sales through exclusivity.
3. Computer Integration - Computer integration adds value to classic analog synth designs by expanding the capabilities of the instrument and enhancing the user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Audio Technology - The audio technology industry can leverage the trend towards analog desktop synthesizers to create new product offerings and generate revenue.
2. Music Equipment Manufacturing - The growing popularity of analog desktop synthesizers presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for manufacturers to create and market affordable yet high-end gear.
3. Event Marketing - Moog's House of Electronicus event showcases how brands can drive product interest with immersive and interactive experiences.

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