Gender-Neutral Dating Apps

The Siren App "Encourages Genuine Connections, Discourages Harassment"

The number of dating tools available online shows not only how many people out there are struggling to make a genuine connection for lifetime partnership but also perhaps a lack of true understanding in how people should go about finding such companionship; enter the Siren App. The Siren App is a gender-neutral take on this phenomenon that encourages users to get to know the person first instead of focusing on more superficial qualities such as looks.

Created by Susie Lee, Katrina Hess, David Golightly and Aashish Gadani, the Siren App "rebels against the shopping-for-humans" pattern. First of all, users can identify as male, female or a "nonbinary person." They also must answer a question a day to better flesh out their profile. People can even opt to have their profile picture blurred for predominantly safety purposes.
Trend Themes
1. Gender-neutral Dating - The trend towards gender-neutral dating apps presents opportunities to disrupt the traditional dating market and cater to a wider audience.
2. Authentic Connections - The trend towards emphasizing genuine connections over superficial qualities in dating apps presents opportunities to create more meaningful experiences for users.
3. Increased Safety Features - The trend towards incorporating safety features in dating apps presents opportunities to improve user safety and promote a more responsible dating culture.
Industry Implications
1. Online Dating - The online dating industry can develop gender-neutral apps to cater to a wider audience.
2. Social Networking - Social networking industries can improve their dating features by emphasizing authentic connections.
3. Cybersecurity - The cybersecurity industry can partner with dating apps to provide more security features, as well as improve user safety and privacy.

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