Vibrant Silicone Rugs

These Woven Rugs are Made Out of Silicone Cord

Two recent graduates from London's Royal College of Art are producing beautiful woven rugs that are made out of silicone cord. When it comes to outdoor flooring, it can be difficult to find something that is aesthetically pleasing, but also durable enough for the outdoors. These vibrant hand-woven rugs are the perfect solution for decorating any outdoor space.

The colorful rug collection is available via a new design company called 'Shore.' The tubular rugs are made from silicone cord, which makes them appropriate for indoor or outdoor use. The tube-like material is waterproof and UV-resistant, which makes the rugs ideal for a pool deck or a dock.

Not only are the rugs durable and easy to clean, but they are also visually striking. Each hand-woven rug comes in beautiful colors that seamlessly transition from one shade to the next.
Trend Themes
1. Silicone Outdoor Rugs - The trend of using silicone cord for outdoor rugs is disrupting the traditional outdoor flooring market with its innovative and durable properties.
2. Hand-woven Outdoor Decor - The trend of hand-woven silicone cord rugs is disrupting the outdoor decor industry with its visually striking and customizable designs.
3. Waterproof & Uv-resistant Flooring - The trend of using silicone cord for outdoor rugs is disrupting the flooring industry with its waterproof and UV-resistant properties, providing a durable and low-maintenance flooring option.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Flooring - The disruption of using silicone cord for outdoor rugs could potentially revolutionize the outdoor flooring industry with its combination of durability and aesthetics.
2. Home Decor - The disruption of hand-woven silicone cord rugs is shaking up the home decor industry with its unique and customizable designs, offering a new way to decorate both indoor and outdoor spaces.
3. Hospitality & Tourism - The disruption of waterproof and UV-resistant silicone cord rugs could revolutionize the hospitality and tourism industry, providing a durable and low-maintenance option for outdoor spaces such as pool decks and patios.

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