Neighborly Shipping Services

This P2P Shipping Network App Lets Neighbors Transport Your Cargo

This neighbor-to-neighbor shipping network allows you to carpool your cargo. The sharing economy-enabled P2P network Roadie allows drivers to fill their cars with cargo belonging to their neighbors.

Based in Atlanta, the startup helps you move your things by matching your stuff up with a car with empty space going to the same place. Presently in beta mode, the shipping network platform works through a mobile app. Users can list their items to be shipped and include relevant details like when and where they need to be sent. The app offers a price and posts it to the Roadie community. Those who have signed up to be carriers with the service can then sign up after browsing gigs that fit with their plans.
Trend Themes
1. P2P Shipping Network - Using a peer-to-peer network for shipping allows for easy sharing and utilization of empty spaces in cars, disrupting traditional shipping models.
2. Sharing Economy - The sharing economy enables individuals to leverage unused resources, such as empty car space, to create a decentralized network for transporting goods.
3. Mobile App Platforms - Mobile app platforms that connect individuals with transportation needs to available drivers with unused space offer disruptive innovation opportunities for the shipping industry.
Industry Implications
1. Shipping - The shipping industry can explore the use of peer-to-peer networks and mobile apps to optimize the utilization of transportation resources.
2. Logistics - Logistics companies can implement P2P shipping networks and app platforms to improve efficiency and reduce costs in their operations.
3. Transportation - The transportation industry can benefit from integrating P2P shipping networks and mobile apps to streamline delivery processes and reduce carbon footprint.

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