Wellbeing-Harnessing Fan-Like Chairs

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Futurewave Designs the Shanti Chair for Inner Design

The Shanti Chair is a uniquely formed furniture by Futurewave for Inner Design. The structure questions the concept of true privacy in a modern world and the Shanti aims to bring a touch of tranquility to the workspace in a seamless way. It is engineered to enclose around the user in a fan-like form.

This creates a sense of calm in the middle of a busy office. Some exterior details include the clean minimal hardware that is perfectly fused with the comforting Nordic inspiration. The material features light birch as the structural frame and Tyvek is used as the shade due to its sustainability and natural look. Additionally, this also controls the amount of light that is let into the space.
Trend Themes
1. Privacy-focused Furniture - Innovative furniture designs like the Shanti Chair introduce new methods to create private, tranquil spaces within open office layouts.
2. Sustainable Material Integration - The use of sustainable materials such as Tyvek and birch in the Shanti Chair highlights a growing trend towards eco-friendly furniture production.
3. Nordic-inspired Minimalism - Design elements inspired by Scandinavian minimalism are increasingly incorporated into modern office furniture to evoke calm and simplicity.
Industry Implications
1. Office Furniture - Incorporating tranquility and privacy into office furniture addresses the evolving needs of dynamic and open workplaces.
2. Sustainable Materials - The trend towards using sustainable materials in furniture production offers industries a path towards eco-friendly innovation.
3. Interior Design - Integrating minimalist Nordic design into office environments presents new opportunities for enhancing workplace aesthetics and functionality.

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