The Self-Portrait Machine was made by Jen Hui Liao, and is perfect for the ultra narcissist. The device takes a picture of the user and transforms it into a drawing with the help of the user.
The man-machine relationship generates a professional self-portrait and is made through controlled movement.
Check out the video to see how this project explores the cooperation between human and machine.
Implications - Consumers are constantly seeking out new technologies that are capable of producing older, vintage or antique-looking products. Vintage and retro designs, products and styles are highly popular today. A machine that can transform modern photographs into ones that appear to be drawn by hand will certainly satisfy consumer cravings for all things old or vintage that appear to have come from a historical period of time.
Drawing Machines
The Self-Portrait Machine Transfers Pictures into Drawings
Trend Themes
1. Vintage-inspired Machine Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing machines that can produce antique-looking products for consumers seeking a vintage aesthetic.
2. Professional Self-portrait Machines - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating machines that can generate high-quality self-portraits through a man-machine relationship.
3. Hand-drawn Image Conversion Machines - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Building machines that can transform modern photographs into hand-drawn images for consumers seeking a more personal touch.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating professional self-portrait machines for photographers looking to offer a unique service to their clients.
2. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing hand-drawn image conversion machines for artists and designers who want to add a personal touch to their work.
3. Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offering vintage-inspired machine technology products and services for consumers seeking a retro aesthetic in their purchases.