Urban Folding Bikes

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The Seattle Cycles MetroBike Has Been Introduced at CES 2018

Electric bikes are a great commuting option for people who live in relatively dense urban centers, and the Seattle Cycles MetroBike leans into that idea. The electric bicycles, which was recently introduced at CES 2018, not only helps riders to get where they're going with minimal effort, but it also folds up to let riders carry it with them wherever they go.

As a Pacific Northwest city, Seattle has some challenging terrain, which might make cycling through its neighborhoods difficult for the average person. To tackle this problem, the MetroBike is designed with a powerful engine than can climb hills with 20 percent gradients while requiring minimal effort on the part of the rider. According to Mike Yap, the bike's designer, "it is a prime example of an emerging class of electric bikes particularly adapted to the challenges of urban transportation, such as narrow shared paths, steep city streets, tight living spaces, lack of parking facilities, and risk of theft."
Trend Themes
1. Electric Bikes for Commuting - The rise in electric bikes designed specifically for urban commuting offers a disruptive innovation opportunity for transportation companies to tap into the growing demand for sustainable and efficient transportation solutions in cities.
2. Foldable Bike Technology - The development of foldable bikes, like the Seattle Cycles MetroBike, presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for bike manufacturers to cater to urban dwellers who require compact and portable transportation options.
3. Adapting to Urban Challenges - The emergence of electric bikes, such as the MetroBike, that are specifically designed to overcome challenges unique to urban environments creates a disruptive innovation opportunity for urban planners and city administrators to improve transportation infrastructure and accessibility.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can capitalize on the increasing popularity of electric bikes for commuting by offering innovative solutions that integrate these bikes into existing transportation networks.
2. Bicycle Manufacturing - The bicycle manufacturing industry has an opportunity to leverage the growing demand for foldable bikes by developing versatile and high-performance foldable bike models.
3. Urban Planning - Urban planners and city administrators can seize the opportunity posed by electric bikes tailored for urban challenges to reimagine and improve urban transportation infrastructure, making cities more bike-friendly and accessible.

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