Curved Translucent Experimental Apartments

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NEUHÄUSL HUNAL Designs the Sculptor's Apartment

NEUHÄUSL HUNAL designs the Sculptor's Apartment which boasts a unique design language pushing the ideas of a conventional residence. It takes on an experimental approach which is led by the spatial concepts and fluidity of its materials.

The main question the space prompts is: What are the maximum possibilities of a classic prefabricated flat? The apartment is meant for glassmaker and sculptor Vladimir Bachorik. The home has a glass workspace and the rest of the home is detailed with clear glass walls and notably free of any traditional doors. The client imagined a space that integrates his living area with his workspace which breaks down barriers that usually break apart the sections of a home.
Trend Themes
1. Experimental Housing Design - Emerging trends in experimental housing designs are breaking conventional boundaries, merging living and working spaces in unique, fluid forms.
2. Translucent Architectural Elements - The use of translucent materials in residential architecture is on the rise, fostering new possibilities for light and spatial dynamics.
3. Integrated Living-workspace - Integrated living-workspace concepts are reshaping the way residential areas are conceived, blending functionality with innovative design.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - The architecture and design industry is evolving to include more experimental and transparent materials in building residential spaces.
2. Real Estate Development - Real estate development is adapting to new trends that prioritize flexible, integrated living spaces which cater to the needs of creative professionals.
3. Interior Design - The interior design sector is seeing increased demand for open, translucent living areas that challenge traditional spatial divisions.

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