Bohemian Luxury Retreats

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Scorpios Mykonos' Laid-Back Atmosphere Balances Out the Extravagances

A great balance between leisure and luxury, there is a bohemian air to Scorpios Mykonos, a retreat located in Greece. It embraces the culture while maintaining a bit of a modern identity in order to appeal to a range of travellers. Trendland perfectly states, "Simultaneously evoking 1960’s Greek glamour and contemporary modernism, the structure consists of a 274 sqm indoor floor with a lower level, and 2,500 sqm of outdoor terraces. The entirety exudes a sense of ease and lightness."

Yet the warmth and weathered design of the interior perfectly brings the outdoors in. Surrounded by sand and sea, Scorpios Mykonos celebrates the stunning landscape in a complementary way. Therein lies its organic beauty, which is as picturesque as anything else.
Trend Themes
1. Bohemian Luxury - There is an opportunity to create laid-back luxury retreats that embrace local culture while maintaining modern amenities.
2. Balancing Leisure and Luxury - Creating a balance between leisure and luxury is a potential trend, appealing to a range of travelers.
3. Indoor-outdoor Design - There is an opportunity to create interior design that perfectly brings the outdoors in, while evoking organic beauty.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can create luxury retreats that balance leisure and local culture to attract a range of travelers.
2. Interior Design - An interior design industry can develop ways of creating indoor-outdoor designs that bring the organic beauty of nature into the interior of retreats.
3. Tourism - The tourism industry can promote trendy bohemian luxury retreats, which could cater to travelers looking for a unique leisure experience.

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