Record Player-Inspired Sinks

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The 'Santuri' Washbasin by Pasque Dudley Mawalla is Retro

The 'Santuri' washbasin has been designed by Pasque Dudley Mawalla as a premium fixture for the bathroom that draws aesthetic inspiration from the audio equipment from yesteryear.

The sink features a two-tone design and is paired with a tonearm-inspired faucet that creates the look of a record player for enhanced visual intrigue. Shifting the tonearm into the basin area will activate the flow of water, while moving it outward will turn it off to make the process of accessing H2O much like putting on a vinyl record to play.

The 'Santuri' washbasin conveys a high-end look, feel and functionality that brings a playful approach to the everyday experience within the home to keep consumers of all ages entertained.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-inspired Fixtures - Opportunity to create premium bathroom fixtures that draw aesthetic inspiration from nostalgic designs.
2. Multi-functional Design - Opportunity to incorporate interactive elements into everyday household items for enhanced visual intrigue.
3. Playful Home Experiences - Opportunity to bring a sense of entertainment and enjoyment to household fixtures.
Industry Implications
1. Bathroom Fixtures - Opportunity for manufacturers to create unique washbasins that incorporate retro designs and interactive features.
2. Home Decor - Opportunity for designers to leverage nostalgic designs and interactive elements to create visually intriguing household items.
3. Consumer Electronics - Opportunity for audio equipment manufacturers to collaborate with bathroom fixture manufacturers to create innovative products that bridge the gap between retro aesthetics and modern functionality.

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