Mycelium-Made Biodegradable Urns

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Mush and Furf Design Studio Creates the sail Funerary Urn

Brazil-based sustainable products imprint Mush works together with Furf Design Studio to design the Sail Funerary Urn. The two brands explored mycelium materials to understand how they break down back to the soil and this was used to create the urn. It is shaped like a sailing vessel and it slowly decomposes back into the ocean. It is specifically made with inspiration from the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, who noted "Sailing is necessary."

The urn is poetic and meant to send loved ones out to sea in a gentle way where the vessel would biodegrade when it is left out in the open-air nature. The design studio notes, "…it is essential to remember that solutions for a sustainable future are not limited to the concept of smart living. It is also crucial to consider environmentally respectful approaches for an equally important moment: the end of life, that is, smart dying."
Trend Themes
1. Biodegradable Funerary Products - Leveraging mycelium-based materials for products like urns introduces a new, eco-conscious option for end-of-life ceremonies.
2. Eco-friendly Marine Innovations - Creating products that decompose naturally in marine environments offers a sustainable solution for ocean-centric traditions.
3. Design-driven Sustainability - Integrating biodegradable materials with artistic design motifs revitalizes the market for environmentally responsible memorial products.
Industry Implications
1. Sustainable Product Design - Adopting mycelium and other biodegradable materials in the design process paves the way for innovative eco-friendly merchandise.
2. End-of-life Services - The emergence of biodegradable urns reflects a shift towards environmentally considerate options in the funeral industry.
3. Marine Memorial Services - Offering products designed to decompose in the ocean aligns with growing demand for sustainable and respectful maritime funerals.

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