Germaphobe Gadget Accessories

The Safety Touch Finger Cover Protects You From Icky Touchscreens

The Safety Touch slips over your pointer finger so you can beep-boop-bip away at the checkout counter, ATM, vending machine or any other germ-infested machine. One clever design feature of the Safety Touch is that it can be added to your keychain for handy access.

See more images of the Safety Touch in use above. Even with this device on hand, however, don't get me started on how filthy paper money can be.

Implications - The Safety Touch is a product perfect for any germophobe or any consumer who prefers to avoid public railings, handles, and other commonly shared environments. Now, I'm not the type of person that freaks out about germs, but if I had one of these available, I think I'd be a happier person. Colds, flus, and other contagious diseases would be fewer and far between. Who wouldn't want that?
Trend Themes
1. Germaphobe Gadgets - The rise of devices that help keep users safe from germs
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Goods - Opportunities for companies to produce and market products geared towards germ-conscious consumers
2. Healthcare - Potential for healthcare companies to promote germ prevention as part of overall wellness
3. Technology - Opportunities for tech companies to integrate germ prevention features into their products, such as touchless interfaces or protective accessories

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