Injury-Preventing Gait Breakdowns

The Nike Run Analysis is an In-Store Experience for Runners

Fitness might be in fashion right now, but the Nike Run Analysis shows that athletic footwear serves a bigger purpose than looking good. By installing a treadmill in retail spaces, the brand has elevated the in-store experience to help runners choose the best shoe for their particular gait. Not only does the Nike Run Analysis inform them what product will serve them better, it also promotes the latest shoe designs.

A free service, the Nike Run Analysis shows how dedicated the brand is to its customers and fans. It involves taking a slow motion video that properly picks out heel strike and pronation in addition to ride preference and average mileage the customer runs a week. With race season in full-effect, the Nike Run Analysis is a tool many people will want to indulge in.
Trend Themes
1. In-store Treadmill Experiences - Other athletic brands can offer in-store treadmill experiences to help customers improve their running experience and select the right shoe for their gait.
2. Technology-enhanced Customer Service - There is an opportunity for technology-enhanced customer service in the athletic footwear industry that can help customers choose the perfect shoe based on their unique needs.
3. Personalized Athletic Footwear - Athletic footwear companies can create personalized shoe designs based on a customer's gait and running style, offering a unique and tailored experience to each individual buyer.
Industry Implications
1. Athletic Footwear - Athletic footwear companies can implement in-store treadmill experiences and technology-enhanced customer service to provide a more personalized shopping experience for customers.
2. Fitness Apparel - Fitness apparel companies can use technology to enhance their customer service, providing personalized recommendations for workout clothes based on a customer's unique needs and preferences.
3. Sporting Goods Retail - Sporting goods retail stores can offer in-store experiences like the Nike Run Analysis to differentiate themselves from competitors and provide added value to customers.

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