Modular Customizable Rugs

These Rug Tiles Can Be Put Together to Form Specialized Designs

Flor's rug tiles can be mixed and matched to form pieces of home decor that are entirely customized.

The modular tiles come in a variety of different shapes and colors that, when combined, form large or small rugs that can be used to decorate the home. When using Flor's website, people are able to design their own rugs from scratch or can create them from templates that the site offers. The end result can be vibrant and mismatched or more subtle and elegant -- depending on the homeowner's personal tastes.

By giving people the opportunity to customize their own decor through the use of rug tiles, Flor is able to cater to an expanding market of consumers who enjoy putting their own personal touches on the items that decorate their homes.
Trend Themes
1. Customizable Home Decor - Flor's modular rug tiles provide a customizable option for consumers to personalize their home decor.
2. Modular Design - The use of modular rug tiles allows for flexible and adaptable designs.
3. DIY Interior Design - Flor's rug tile system enables consumers to create their own unique interior designs.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The interior design industry can take advantage of customizable rug tiles to offer personalized solutions for clients.
2. Home Furnishings - The home furnishings industry can incorporate modular rug tiles to provide versatile and customizable options for consumers.
3. E-commerce - The e-commerce industry can utilize Flor's website interface and customizable rug tiles to offer online customization options for customers.

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