Stout-Legged Seating

The Ru Chair by Shane Schneck is Functional and Cool

You definitely won’t rue the day you buy the Ru Chair. Why? Well, not only is it a pretty unique and interesting seating option, it’s design will also make your daily chores that much more easier.

Designed by Shane Schneck, the Ru Chair features stout legs that conveniently allows the bottom of the seat jut out unobstructed so that it can rest on the table for easy sweeping/mopping chores. The Ru Chair is also conveniently stackable.
Trend Themes
1. Stout-legged Furniture - Designing furniture with stout legs that allow it to be easily cleaned or maintained presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the furniture industry.
2. Multifunctional Seating - Creating seating that serves more than one purpose or makes daily tasks easier presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the furniture industry.
3. Stackable Seating - Designing stackable seating options presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the furniture industry, specifically for those who are looking to save space.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Innovating on the design of furniture, specifically seating, with the goal of making it more functional and practical presents an opportunity for furniture manufacturing companies.
2. Home Goods Retail - Retail companies that specialize in home goods could benefit from selling unique and multifunctional furniture pieces like the Ru Chair.
3. Facilities Management - Facilities management companies could take advantage of the Ru Chair's design to make daily chores like sweeping and mopping easier and more efficient.

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