Smart Smoke Detector Batteries

The Roost Battery Communicates With Your Home WiFi Network

The Roost battery is a smoke detector battery that can be used on pre-existing conventional smoke detectors to convert them into 'smart' detectors that communicate with your household WiFi network.

If your alarm goes off, the Roost battery's module will send an alert to your phone via a free iOS or Android app. It can also be programmed to notify family members or neighbors.

The Roost battery is available for pre-order and is expected to be shipped out in September. It costs $35 for one and $65 for a pair. This is a great example of smart home technology being used to give homeowners piece of mind, all by leveraging the wonders of mobile technology and smartphone apps.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Home Technology - The Roost battery showcases the potential for smart home technology in enhancing safety and communication.
2. Iot Connectivity - The incorporation of WiFi connectivity in smoke detectors paves the way for increased integration with other IoT devices.
3. Mobile Applications - The Roost battery's companion app highlights the growing importance of mobile applications in the smart home industry.
Industry Implications
1. Home Security - The Roost battery sparks disruptive innovation opportunities in the home security industry, enticing companies to explore smart, connected solutions.
2. Internet of Things - The IoT industry can capitalize on the concept of WiFi-enabled smoke detectors, forging new collaborations and expanding their product offerings.
3. Mobile Technology - The growing preference for mobile-centric solutions, exemplified by the Roost battery, opens avenues for innovation and market expansion within the mobile technology industry.

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