Fiscal Learning Graphics

The ROI of Higher Education Infographic Outlines University Pros and Cons

The ROI of Higher Education infographic examines the pros and cons of attending a place of higher education. Looking at it purely from a fiscal sense, the infographic lays out the details for American students post grad.

The infographic does a great job in putting the financial details out there. However, what is missing from this assessment is the experience and connections that many students make while continuing their studies that set them well ahead of others who do not get the degree.

As a general comparison of all graduates, those with a university or college degree make nearly two times as much ($34,100) as those with only a high school degree ($17,561).

American students are graduating with an average debt of $25,250—even on top of family and student contributions and school scholarships and grants. Whether it is that students should stop attending universities and colleges or the educational system of America needs a remake is debatable.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Education Pathways - With the debate around the value of traditional higher education increasing, there is potential for alternative education pathways to become more popular and disruptive.
2. Smart Financial Planning Tools - As students are becoming more aware of the costs associated with higher education, there could be an opportunity for smart financial planning tools to disrupt the student loan industry.
3. Career-specific Education Programs - The ROI of Higher Education infographic highlights the earning potential of graduates, indicating a potential opportunity for career-specific education programs to disrupt traditional universities and colleges.
Industry Implications
1. Higher Education - With multiple paths available to students seeking higher education, traditional colleges and universities may need to rethink their value propositions to remain competitive and relevant.
2. Financial Services - As student debt continues to increase, there is potential for disruption in the student loan industry through innovative financial services and lending models.
3. Edtech - As alternative education pathways and smart financial planning tools gain popularity, there may be an opportunity for education technology companies to innovate in these areas.

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