Oscillating Sideways Seats

The Rocking Verner Reorients an Iconic Chair for a New Playful Design

Take a close look at the Rocking Verner -- do you notice anything unusual about it? Perhaps the contemporary rocking chair seems to embody an abstract sculptural form, but tilt your head 90 degrees and you will discern the fluid form of the famous Panton Chair.

David Schellander and Stefanie Richtsfeld endeavored to incorporate the familiar seat into a fresh and modern rocking horse design. They tipped the piece onto its front and mounted it on a pair of long and elegant timber rockers and provided a wooden back brace with a handle. The new seat of the Rocking Verner is a fabric sling that's been fixed between the original chair's footing and the top of the backrest. Despite the technique of appropriation, this object exudes uniqueness.
Trend Themes
1. Reimagined Iconic Designs - The use of familiar designs in new and modern ways allows for fresh and unique products.
2. Playful Furniture Designs - Designers are incorporating fun and whimsical elements into furniture pieces for added functionality and enjoyment.
3. Innovative Rocking Mechanisms - New and unconventional ways of incorporating rocking motions into furniture are becoming more popular.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - There are opportunities for furniture designers to incorporate elements of playfulness and innovation into their designs.
2. Home Decor - Consumers are looking for home decor options that are both functional and unique, allowing for opportunities to create new and playful designs.
3. Childcare and Education - Incorporating elements of playfulness into furniture can also benefit the healthcare and education industries by providing fun and engaging options for children.

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