Candy Coated Web Games

Rock Paper Skittles is a Fun Web Contest for Skittles Junkies

I can't say I've ever played a stirring round of Rock Paper Skittles, but after reading about this contest, I'm definitely interested in giving it a shot.

Using advanced webcam recognition software on the website, users who buy specially marked packs of Skittles will be able to compete with other Skittles junkies worldwide by holding up a single Skittles candy to their webcam. The software will recognize what color Skittle the user is holding up, which is then matched up against a random opponent. A handy table on the website shows what colors beat which ones, and users can play Rock Paper Skittles up to 12 times a day.

If you're some sort of Rock Paper Skittles prodigy, then you could possibly win a $50,000 grand prize.
Trend Themes
1. Webcam Recognition Games - Advanced webcam recognition software like that used in Rock Paper Skittles can be applied to other web-based games and competitions.
2. Interactive Food Packaging - Specially marked packs of Skittles that unlock exclusive access to web-based games and contests could be a disruptive innovation opportunity for food companies.
3. Web-based Contests - Web-based contests like Rock Paper Skittles offer a new way for brands to engage with consumers and increase brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - Confectionery companies like Skittles could lead the way in interactive food packaging and web-based games and contests.
2. Gaming - Online gaming companies and developers can use advanced webcam recognition software to create new user experiences and competitions.
3. Digital Marketing - Digital marketing agencies can use web-based contests like Rock Paper Skittles to create unique and memorable advertising campaigns for their clients.

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