Drawing Robots

Kids Create Robotic Spirographs and Call Them Petbots

The PetBots workshop for kids lets them build a working ArtBot from surplus and recycled motors and switches. A number of different devices can be created from the kits. However, some of the most fun are spinBots that use two markers as legs and a motor to spin robotic Spirographs to draw mathematical curves as they spin around in circles.

The robotic Spirographs were part of the offerings at the San Francisco Maker Faire 2010.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Robotics - Allowing beginners to build simple working robots from surplus and recycled items creates an opportunity for the DIY Robotics trend.
2. Educational Maker Workshops - Maker workshops, like PetBots, are popping up to offer an educational and fun experience to kids looking to learn about STEM.
3. Kinetic Art - Robotic Spirographs offer a unique design opportunity for artists and designers interested in creating dynamic, kinetic art installations.
Industry Implications
1. Education - The petbot and robotic spirographs workshops can be used in educational industries to teach children STEM.
2. Art - Robotic spirographs could be used by artists to create dynamic kinetic art installations, and could be an emerging trend in the art industry.
3. DIY/ Maker Spaces - DIY Robotics and maker spaces offer a source for kids and adults to learn new skills while creating fun and educational projects.

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