iPhone Robot Brains

An Interactive Robot Plays, Learns & Dances Thanks to an iPhone Cranium

We all knew the new iPhone 3GS was good, but I don’t think we knew it was THIS good! By connecting the iPhone to a special dock that is hooked up to a little robot body, the robot can be completely controlled by the iPhone brain.

It can act as your alarm clock, it can dance for you (I KNOW! check the video), it can interact with you based on your actions towards it and it can also learn movements and play them back (of course you have to physically teach it first).

This is the most amazing use of the iPhone that I have seen yet. If you come across it, be nice because it has the ability through facial expression to show you how it feels.
Trend Themes
1. Iphone-robot Integration - Design robots that can be controlled by iPhones to create interactive and personalized experiences.
2. Smartphone-powered Robotics - Incorporate smartphone technology into robotics to create affordable and accessible robots for consumers.
3. Emotion-based Robotics - Develop robots capable of showing emotions to enable more realistic interactions and relationships with humans.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Robotics - Consumer robotics companies can incorporate smartphone technology to develop robots that are more interactive and capable of delivering a unique personalized experience.
2. Education and Entertainment - Incorporate smartphone-powered robots in classrooms to make learning fun and interactive, or develop them as entertainment robots for parties and events.
3. Healthcare Robotics - Develop emotion-based robots to provide comfort and companionship to patients in healthcare facilities.

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