Too lazy to get up and make that cup of joe? Apparently some Italians were so fed up with the brewing process, they set their sites on creating a barista robot that does it for them.
At first glance, Justine looks like a compilation of Red Bull cans, but the coffee making robot by the DEXMART project is a lot more complex, having features such as sMART sensory-motor skills.
Sound too good to be true? Well, if you're a real coffee connoisseur, it is, you won't be so thrilled. Justine's not quite ready for people who expect a quality caffeine fix as the robot is only capable of making the instant stuff. Blech.
Robot Barista
Justine Makes Coffee
Trend Themes
1. Automated Coffee Making - The development of Justine, a coffee making robot, shows a trend towards automated coffee making technology.
2. Smart Sensory-motor Skills - The inclusion of sMART sensory-motor skills in Justine demonstrates a trend towards the integration of advanced technologies in robotics.
3. Convenience-focused Automation - Justine's creation is evidence of a trend towards convenience-focused automation in the food and beverage industry.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Justine's creation has disruptive innovation opportunities in the food and beverage industry by automating coffee making.
2. Robotics - Justine's advanced functionality highlights the potential for innovation in the robotics industry, particularly the integration of sensory-motor skills.
3. Consumer Electronics - The development of Justine provides opportunities for innovation in the consumer electronics industry by creating domestic products focused on convenience and automation.