Smeared Wildlife Silhouettes

Robert Farkas Digitally Paints Inky Animal Illustrations

These Robert Farkas illustrations manage to harmoniously combine the rustic look of analog art with the technical precision of digital rendering.

Painting wildlife silhouettes, Farkas purposefully smears portions of his compositions to give his images a human touch. His chosen subjects of animals also provide viewers with an escape from their computer-centric lives. He then offsets these things by using spectacular computer-generated colors that make his images pop right off the screen. Working with digital software also allows him to refine his images in ways that would be highly difficult to achieve otherwise. Look no further than to the image of the Rorschach test depiction of the wolf to see what I mean.

All these elements help elevate Robert Farkas’ creations and it is ultimately the viewer that reaps the rewards of these extremely stunning silhouettes.
Trend Themes
1. Analog-digital Fusion - Exploring the combination of analog art techniques with digital rendering for a unique visual aesthetic.
2. Human Touch in Digital Art - Using intentional smearing and imperfections in digital illustrations to add a human element.
3. Nature Escapism - Creating illustrations of animals as a form of escapism from technology-driven lives.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Art - Opportunities to develop software or tools that seamlessly blend analog art techniques with digital rendering.
2. Home Decor - Incorporating digitally-rendered wildlife silhouettes into interior design and decor products.
3. Art Therapy - Utilizing digital illustration techniques with animal subjects to promote relaxation and stress relief.

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