Igloo-Esque Shelving

The River Bookcase Has Curved Cubby Modules to Make Natural Fluid Forms

So much of the furniture on the market is remarkably rigid, manufactured with straight lines and perpendicular edges that match the boxiness of most rooms. The River Bookcase, however, connects to its user in a more organic way, because humans do not move about their homes in 90-degree zigzags.

Antonello Italia presents this adaptable piece that's made from wood with a natural or lacquered matte finish. The frame is modular and consists of separate cubbies that can be stacked together like blocks to form freestanding walls of staggered compartments. Larger arrangements can even function as room dividers.

You will, however, notice that the storage system does not comprise your standard rectangular boxes. The River Bookcase is made up of curved units that can be oriented in different ways and patterns to produce snaking undulations or big curves and circles.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Furniture - Designing furniture with curved forms and organic shapes instead of rigid straight lines opens up opportunities for creating unique and user-centered pieces.
2. Modular Storage - Using modular units that can be stacked and rearranged offers innovative storage solutions that can adapt to different needs and spaces.
3. Room Dividers - Creating furniture arrangements that can function as room dividers allows for flexible and versatile interior design options.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The furniture design industry can explore the potential of incorporating organic shapes and modular elements into their products for enhanced functionality and aesthetics.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can utilize modular storage systems with curved forms to create visually interesting and adaptable spaces for their clients.
3. Home Decor - The home decor industry can market and sell modular room dividers that add a touch of style and functionality to different living spaces.

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