It is very common for appliance manufacturers to churn out products that look like miniature spaceships. These characteristic curves, control panels of many buttons, windows and blinking lights are not found on the RiceCube. This countertop contraption was created to different aesthetic and practical criteria.
When it's shut, the rice cooker looks like a nearly monolithic hexahedron, featuring a smooth, glossy and bright white surface over all six sides. No buttons are visible until you lift the lid, revealing a deep dish for boiling water and softening the scrumptious grass-based food. Solve3D and Michael Elmgreen incorporated only three commands to put the RiceCube into operation, so to make the basic edible the easiest part of a dish to prepare. Furthermore, its rigid geometries make it easy to store and to stack things on top -- a wonderful feature in a chaotic kitchen.
Geometric Grain Makers
The RiceCube is as Rationally Sculpted as an Appliance Can Be
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Appliances - Manufacturers can create household appliances with a minimalist design approach, focused on enhanced usability and practicality.
2. Compact Kitchen Gadgets - Innovating compact and stackable gadgets for small kitchen spaces has the potential to gain popularity among urban households and minimalists.
3. Simplified Interfaces - Appliances with simplified interfaces and only essential commands may improve the user experience for cooking enthusiasts and beginners.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliance Manufacturing - Incorporating minimalist design principles and simplified interfaces can be a disruptive innovation opportunity for home appliance manufacturers.
2. Kitchen Gadgets Retail - Creating and retailing compact and stackable gadgets targeted towards urban households and minimalists may yield profits in the kitchen gadgets industry.
3. User Experience Design - Hiring user experience designers who can help simplify interfaces and create a better experience for appliance users could be a disruptive innovation opportunity for the design industry.