Wellness Residential Programs

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The International WELL Building Institute Launches WELL Residential

The International WELL Building Institute has launched its groundbreaking WELL for residential program, marking a significant step towards establishing a new benchmark for health-focused homes globally. With an initial cohort of 25 pilot participants encompassing nearly 30,000 homes across 10 countries, the International WELL Building Institute aims to transform residential design and operations to prioritize human health and well-being. This evidence-based certification program, built upon established WELL Building Standard principles, offers over 100 strategies tailored to enhance resident health, comfort, and overall well-being.

The WELL for residential program introduces the WELL Residence seal, awarded following third-party verification of implemented strategies. Homes must achieve a minimum of 40 points to qualify, with an option for pre-certification based on preliminary design reviews. This approach not only certifies homes but also supports market leaders in communicating their commitment to health-focused living environments before construction completion.
Trend Themes
1. Health-focused Residential Design - Architectural designs centered around health and well-being are gaining popularity, setting a new standard for future residential developments.
2. Evidence-based Home Certification - Homes achieving certification through evidence-based criteria are becoming a key selling point for discerning buyers looking for verified health benefits.
3. Global Health Benchmarking - The establishment of global health-focused benchmarks for residences is fostering a movement towards universally healthier living conditions.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate Development - Real estate developers incorporating health-centric certifications are differentiating their projects in a competitive market.
2. Construction and Building - Construction firms aligning with WELL certification standards are enhancing their reputations by emphasizing resident well-being.
3. Home Automation and Smart Living - The integration of smart technology tailored to WELL standards is creating more comfortable, healthy living environments.

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