Mid-Century Style Montreal Homes

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Local Studios Join to Create the Residence Ave Duchastel

Local design studios Atelier Chardonnat and Salem Architecture join forces to create the Residence Ave Duchastel. It is a renovated home that has been expanded in Montreal, Canada. It separates the original home from the addition using a monumental skylight at the top of the home. It was originally designed by architects Morin & Cinq-Mars in the 50s with inspiration from Frank Llyod Wright's work.

The two firms ensured to honor the historic spirit while creating a serene ambiance in the center of the city. The team explains, "The interventions pay homage to this iconic architect and integrate Japanese and Scandinavian influences, which are highly appreciated by the owners. The result is a spacious, welcoming living space that is deeply connected to the natural beauty of the surrounding forest."
Trend Themes
1. Mid-century Modern Revival - There is a resurgence of mid-century modern design, blending historical aesthetics with contemporary functionality.
2. Cultural Fusion Architecture - Architectural designs are increasingly incorporating diverse cultural influences, merging elements from Japanese and Scandinavian traditions.
3. Nature-integrated Living Spaces - Urban homes are increasingly being designed to stay connected with nature, emphasizing large windows, open layouts, and natural materials.
Industry Implications
1. Home Renovation - The home renovation industry benefits from the demand for modern updates that respect historical architectural designs.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers are leveraging cultural influences to create unique, internationally inspired living spaces.
3. Sustainable Architecture - Sustainable architecture thrives as homeowners seek to integrate natural elements and eco-friendly materials in urban environments.

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