Symbolic Water Filtration Systems

WaterBar Purifies Then Culturally Remineralizes Water

WaterBar is an ingenious creation by artist Marc Böhlen that provides symbolically remineralized water that is also drinkable. Water is chiefly purified, then geoengineered as a reaction to the current news on global water crises.

The minerals in the filters used are culturally and historically meaningful. For instance, increased readings on problems of overconfidence in technology, is counterbalanced by mineralizing water with quartz-rich granite from Inada by Fukushima, where the latest devastating high-tech catastrophe took place.

The remineralization process is done through the filter bank which releases traces of magnesium, iron, calcium and other elements in proportion to the intensity of the problems noted on the news.

Nothing that all of the water is within a systematic cycle that circulates the earth, the designer explains that "Waterbar accellerates the global flow of waters through many regions of the planet, and produces a drinkable water mix in the process."
Trend Themes
1. Geoengineered Water Filtration - WaterBar symbolically remineralizes water as a reaction to global water crises.
2. Culturally Meaningful Minerals - WaterBar uses culturally and historically significant minerals in its filters.
3. News-driven Remineralization - WaterBar releases trace minerals in proportion to the intensity of problems noted in the news.
Industry Implications
1. Water Filtration Systems - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop water filtration systems that geoengineer and remineralize water in response to global challenges.
2. Material Extraction and Processing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore ways to extract and process culturally significant minerals for use in various applications, including water filtration systems.
3. News and Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize news and media data to create products or services that respond to current global issues, such as releasing trace minerals in response to news events.

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