Real-Life Superhero Saves

Spiderman Rescues Autistic Bangkok Schoolboy

Firefighter Somchai Yoosabai keeps a Spiderman costume in his work locker to help liven up school fire drills. The costume came in handy when an autistic boy, frightened on his first day of school, retreated outside to a third-floor ledge and refused to come in.

Because Autistic children often have difficulty with interpersonal relationships, they can be unresponsive to others. Hearing that the boy loved superheroes, Somchai donned the Spidey costume.

The Spider-man clad firefighter climbed out onto the ledge and told the boy that "Spider-Man is here to rescue you, no monsters are going to attack you." He asked the boy to "walk slowly towards me as running could be dangerous." The child smiled, stood up, and walked immediately into Somchai’s arms.
Trend Themes
1. Superhero-inspired Comfort - Costumes inspired by popular superheroes can be used to comfort and reassure people in distress.
2. Superhero Therapy - Using superhero figures, costumes, and stories in therapy can help engage and empower young adults and children who may be difficult to reach with traditional methods.
3. Superhero-inspired Education - Using superhero figures and stories in education can motivate and inspire students, especially those with learning, social and emotional difficulties.
Industry Implications
1. Costume Retailers - Costume retailers can create special collections for public sector professionals like firefighters, police officers, medical workers, and school teachers to aid in their work to assist people in need.
2. Education - Education institutions can consider using superhero characters and stories to teach children with additional needs, replacing traditional methods which may not be as successful.
3. Therapy and Mental Health - Therapists and mental health professionals can incorporate superhero stories and themes into their practice to help reach and engage certain patients, particularly children with autism spectrum disorder.

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