Real Kryptonite Found In Serbia

Jadarite Matches Chemical Formula

Superman may be fictional, but the chemical that robs him of his powers is real.

Its chemical composition, anyway.

Discovered in a mine in Jadar, Serbia, a new-found mineral, called Jadarite, was found by Rio Tinto mines. According to BBC News, “They could not match it with anything known previously to science.

To the demise of Superman fans, the real thing doesn't glow, it's not green, and so far, hasn't exhibited any notable powers. However, when it's exposed to UV rays, it shows a pink and orange fluorescence.

Scientists, researchers and superhero fans were all equally excited when Dr. Chris Stanley, a mineralogist at London's Natural History Museum, discovered that though the mineral's makeup had not been previously discovered in real life, it had been cited in fictional literature.

“Towards the end of my research I searched the web using the mineral's chemical formula â€" sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide â€" and was amazed to discover the same scientific name, written on a case of rock containing kryptonite stolen by Lex Luther from a museum in the film Superman Returns,” Stanley said.

Unfortunately, the mineral couldn't be called “kryptonite” officially. International nomenclature rules have to be considered, so it was named Jadarite after the mine's location. The mineral doesn't contain any krypton anyway, which is a gas element.
Trend Themes
1. New Mineral Discovery - The finding of Jadarite demonstrates the ongoing potential for discovering novel minerals with unique properties.
2. Link Between Fiction and Science - The connection between the fictional mineral kryptonite and the real-life Jadarite highlights the influence of literature on scientific discoveries.
3. UV Fluorescence - The pink and orange fluorescence exhibited by Jadarite when exposed to UV rays presents opportunities for applications in materials and optical technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Mining and Extractive Industries - The discovery of Jadarite in a mine in Serbia showcases the continued potential for finding valuable and unique minerals in the mining and extractive industries.
2. Materials Science - The study of Jadarite and its unique properties presents opportunities for advancements in materials science, such as the development of new materials for various applications.
3. Entertainment and Media - The connection between Jadarite and the fictional mineral kryptonite offers opportunities for collaborations between the entertainment and scientific communities, such as interactive exhibits or educational content.

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