Canadian studio Superkül embarked on a project to renovate a reading room at Robarts Library. Built in 1973, shaped like a peacock, and a "notable example of brutalist architecture," Robarts Library is the largest library at the University of Toronto. It is a well-used academic building and offers important resources to students and faculty of the university.
The reading room at Robarts Library is where people go to find some peace and quiet, and really hunker down on their studies and research. Superkül invited slick, modernist furniture which creates an interesting juxtaposition with the concrete, highly geometric backdrop of the interior. The space really plays with the idea of warm and cold. This renovation was part of a bigger project that saw a glass extension of the library in September 2022.
Modernist Library Interiors
Superkül Renovates a Reading Room at Robarts Library
Trend Themes
1. Modernist Library Interiors - The use of modernist furniture in library interiors creates an interesting juxtaposition with traditional architecture, paving the way for new design ventures.
2. Juxtaposed Interiors - Exploring contrasting interior design styles, such as modernist furniture in a brutalist architecture, presents an opportunity for a disruptive innovation in interior design.
3. Transparent Library Interiors - The use of glass extensions and large windows in library interiors offers an innovation opportunity to make libraries more inviting spaces, ultimately increasing library usage and engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Library and Information Services - The library industry can benefit from disruptive interior design innovations that create a more inviting and contemporary space for its users, ultimately increasing library usage and engagement.
2. Furniture Design - The furniture design industry can explore opportunities to integrate modernist designs and materials into traditional architecture, bringing a fresh yet sophisticated feel to interior design.
3. Architecture - The architectural industry can take innovative approaches to add to existing structures, such as using glass extensions to modernize and expand traditional buildings, like libraries.