Indie-Focused Film Streamers

Railto's New Branded Streaming Channel is Dedicated to Indie Movies

Rialto International, a video streaming platform founded by media entrepreneur Bruce Tuchman and New Zealand’s Rialto Channel, has announced the launch of a new branded on-demand streaming service in Japan that will focus on offering independent films from Amazon Prime Video.

In an effort to introduce audiences to new filmmakers and appeal to more niche-interested viewers, the new Railto service will offer a curated selection of indie films. This will include titles such as Peter Bogdanovich’s 'The Last Picture Show,' Don Cheadle’s 'Miles Ahead,' Chloe Zhao’s 'The Rider,' and Gus Van Sant’s 'Finding Forrester.'

"In today’s entertainment world, both linear TV channels and streaming services are searching for marquee offerings to attract and maintain viewership. We are thrilled to launch on Prime Video in Japan with a focus on independent film," said Tuchman in a recent press statement.
Trend Themes
1. Indie Film Streaming - More streaming platforms will focus on offering independent films to niche-interested viewers.
2. Curated Content - Streaming services will increasingly curate their offerings to appeal to specific audiences.
3. Branded On-demand Services - More media companies will launch their own branded on-demand streaming services.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Opportunities for independent filmmakers to reach a wider audience through dedicated streaming channels.
2. Media and Streaming - More media companies will invest in launching branded on-demand streaming services.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunities for targeted marketing and advertising towards niche audiences through curated content on streaming platforms.

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