Hemp-Happy Homes

The Hemp Push House Makes a Healthy Debut in the US

Whenever the word 'eco-friendly' is mentioned, a good majority of individuals immediately think of hemp clothes, but what about a hemp home such as the Push House? Located in Asheville, North Carolina, the Push House -- designed by Anthony Brenner and his company Push Design -- is the first hemp home within the United States.

With its whopping 3,400 sf footprint, the Push House has a mainstream and modern exterior made with everything organic. With a hemcrete designed to capture airborne pollutants over time, this fantastic eco-home is sure to tread lightly on the environment.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Homes - The trend of using organic and sustainable materials in home construction, such as hemp, presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the construction industry.
2. Sustainable Architecture - The push towards sustainable architecture, exemplified by the use of hemcrete in the Push House, opens up opportunities for architects and designers to create environmentally-friendly structures.
3. Air Purification Technology - The use of hemcrete to capture airborne pollutants in the Push House showcases the potential for disruptive innovation in air purification technology.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - The construction industry can explore the use of hemp and other organic materials to build eco-friendly homes that reduce the environmental impact of buildings.
2. Architecture - Architects and designers can incorporate sustainable materials and practices, like hemcrete, into their designs to create healthier and more environmentally-friendly structures.
3. Air Purification - The air purification industry can leverage the use of innovative materials like hemcrete to develop new solutions for capturing and mitigating airborne pollutants in buildings.

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