Electrified Pickup Mods

Protean Electric's In-Wheel Electric Motors Turn Gas Guzzlers into EVs

Protein Electric made quite a splash at the SAE World Congress in Detroit, showing off an F-150 equipped with Protean Drive. Protean Drive is Protein Electric's electric wheel system that aims to make cars more eco-friendly by giving them in-wheel electric motors.

The stats of the Protean Drive motor are impressive, with each motor capable of pumping out an additional 110 horsepower of clean energy. The Protean Electric F-150 is equipped with two of these motors and could run for 100 miles solely on electrical power, while hitting speeds of up to 100 mph. Protean Electric plans on getting its electric motor certified and mass produced in the next 18 months. My dreams of a electric F-150 don't seem so far-fetched anymore.
Trend Themes
1. In-wheel Electric Motors - The use of in-wheel electric motors in vehicles presents a disruptive innovation opportunity to transform traditional gas-powered cars into eco-friendly electric vehicles.
2. Clean Energy - The increasing focus on clean energy in the automotive industry offers disruptive innovation opportunities to develop more sustainable and environmentally-friendly transportation solutions.
3. Mass Production of Electric Motors - The mass production of electric motors for vehicles presents a disruptive innovation opportunity to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can leverage in-wheel electric motors and clean energy to develop and market eco-friendly electric vehicles.
2. Renewable Energy - The renewable energy industry can benefit from the increasing demand for clean energy solutions in the automotive sector.
3. Manufacturing - The manufacturing industry can seize the opportunity to mass produce electric motors for vehicles and contribute to the growth of the electric vehicle market.

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