Product Traceablity

'Baacode' Tracks the Wool in New Zeland's 'Icebreaker' Clothing

Icebreaker, a New Zealand outdoor clothing company, has introduced a product tracking system called, ‘Baacode.’ Conscientious customers can go online, enter the barcode from any Icebreaker garment, and trace the production back to the sheep station where the organic, merino fiber was grown, then follow it through the company’s manufacturing process.

With so many choices in the marketplace, it’s not always easy for consumers to tell if the products they are considering for purchase have been manufactured with materials and labor that adhere to the values they’d like to support in business and the world. Icebreaker’s ‘Baacode’ makes the task a little bit easier.
Trend Themes
1. Product Traceability - The implementation of tracking systems such as 'Baacode' in supply chains could provide consumers with greater transparency and confidence in their purchasing decisions.
2. Transparency Technology - More brands could develop technology solutions that allow customers to see the supply chain journey of their product, fostering a sense of transparency and accountability.
3. Sustainability Awareness - Increased awareness of consumer preferences for sustainable products could drive other companies to provide more detailed information on the sourcing and manufacturing of their products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry could benefit from tracking systems that guarantee sustainably sourced materials and ethical manufacturing practices.
2. Food - The food industry could apply similar tracking systems to provide greater transparency on food sourcing and production methods.
3. Beauty - Transparency in cosmetic ingredient sourcing and production practices could be enhanced with the adoption of product tracking systems.

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