Insomniac iPhone Apps

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Proactive Sleep Alarm Keeps Track of Your Sleep Patterns

Proactive Sleep is the perfect iPhone App for anyone who spends their nights tossing and turning. This useful application helps sufferers of insomnia in a variety of ways, including playing soothing music to help you fall asleep and a sleep diary that tracks your sleeping patterns throughout the night.

The Proactive Sleep iPhone app also comes with built-in games that help stimulate your mind in the mornings to help make waking up a little easier.
Trend Themes
1. Insomniac Iphone Apps - Proactive Sleep Alarm Keeps Track of Your Sleep Patterns
2. Soothing Sleep Music - Playing soothing music to help you fall asleep
3. Sleep Pattern Tracking - A sleep diary that tracks your sleeping patterns throughout the night
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage Insomniac iPhone Apps to improve sleep tracking and management for patients
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can create and promote soothing sleep music to aid in relaxation and sleep
3. Mobile App Development - The mobile app development industry can focus on creating and improving sleep pattern tracking apps to help users monitor their sleep quality

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