DIY Belly Bump Decorating

Personalized Pregnancy Henna Tattoos

I love the idea of decorating your baby bump with henna--I mean, you can't hide it, so why not flaunt it? This is an increasingly popular baby shower activity that celebrates the beauty of a pregnant woman's body without harming baby.

This kit contains everything you need to apply your own henna tattoo--except stencils. I would suggest you might want to enlist the services of an artistic friend.

Implications - The rise of individualism in modern society is a still-growing revolution, where the means of self expression and customization are expanding to unpredictable heights. Body modification is one of the primary forms of self-expression, and whether permanently or temporarily, consumers look to artists, fashion designers, and even surgeons to help them create unique bodies and achieve the sense of individuality that is so heavily stressed in modern society.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Body Modifications - Opportunities for artists, fashion designers, and surgeons to create unique body modifications and help individuals express their individuality.
2. Rise of Individualism - Growing revolution of self-expression and customization, where consumers seek unique ways to showcase their individuality.
3. Temporary Body Art - Increasing popularity of temporary body art, such as henna tattoos, as a form of self-expression and celebration.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Fashion designers can tap into the demand for personalized body modifications to create unique clothing and accessories.
2. Body Modification - Body modification artists and surgeons have the opportunity to offer their services to individuals seeking unique expressions of self.
3. Event Planning - Event planners can incorporate personalized body art activities, like DIY henna tattoos, into baby showers or other celebrations.

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