Skeleton Fashion Models

Ian Pool's Posed to Death Photography is Morbid Mod

The last time we featured Ian Pool's photography, we showcased a photo set of superheroes in everyday situations; this time, it's a set he calls "Posed to Death." The stunning photo series features skeletons all glammed up in cocktail dresses, heels and jewelry. Perhaps these are a statement about today's fashion and beauty ideals, or perhaps it's just clever photography; check out Ian Pool's Posed to Death in the gallery above and guess for yourself.
Trend Themes
1. Skeleton Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating edgy, avant-garde clothing lines inspired by skeleton fashion for individuals looking to make a bold fashion statement.
2. Statement Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating unique and thought-provoking themes, such as skeletons, into fashion photography to challenge traditional beauty standards.
3. Glamorous Decay - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing jewelry and accessories that embrace the concept of decay and the beauty of imperfections.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing unconventional, skeleton-inspired fashion designs that redefine traditional clothing concepts.
2. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experimenting with unconventional themes and subjects, such as skeletons, to create eye-catching and memorable photography experiences.
3. Jewelry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Crafting unique jewelry pieces that explore the beauty of decay and the juxtaposition between elegance and morbidity.

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