Thief-Proof Bike Racks

Portland's Bike Racks are Designed So Bike Thieves Can't Cut Through Them

Portland's bike racks will be re-designed to ensure bike thieves can't cut through them. Bike-friendly city Portland is home to more bike parking than any other city in North America, but with this, comes an increased opportunity for bike thieves. After noticing some relentless crooks target bike racks to steal multiple rides, the Portland Bureau of Transportation decided to re-imagine bike security through a thief-proof design for not the bike lock, but the bike rack.

The new bike racks look like the old ones, however they come equipped with a "free-floating, steel-wire cable routed through the hollow steel piping of the rack," the wire moves as its being cut, making it nearly impossible for thieves to cut through. For extra security, the city implemented a bar 10 inches above the ground which prevents the bolts from being unscrewed, or a U-lock slipped off.

The redesign of these thief-proof Bike racks saves cyclists from losing their bikes, and the city from having to replace the racks.
Trend Themes
1. Thief-proof Bike Racks - Designing secure bike parking solutions and deterring bike theft through innovative design.
2. Free-floating Steel Cable Technology - Innovating bike security by implementing technology that thwarts traditional bike theft methods.
3. Innovative Bike Security Design - Revolutionizing bike security by creating modern designs that provide additional security measures.
Industry Implications
1. Bicycle Manufacturing - An opportunity for bicycle manufacturers to adopt anti-theft technologies in their product designs and provide an added layer of security to their products.
2. Urban Transportation - Increasing the security of bike parking solutions in urban areas, creating safer environments for city commuters and increasing adoption and usage of bicycles as an alternative means of transportation.
3. Smart Cities - Smart city initiatives can incorporate innovative bike rack designs, using sensors and other technologies, to provide real-time alerts and improve bike security measures in public spaces.

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