POPI; Designs from a Psychiatric Hospital

POPI; Designs From A Psychiatric Hospital

Inpatients from a psychiatric hospital have launched a product design company called POPI. POPI stands for "Productos Impacientes Oliveros Argentina" (Impatients products Oliveros Argentina). The inpatients are from the psychiatric Hospital of Oliveros (near Rosario City in Santa Fé Province). The objective is to create: Production of Objects for the interchange that arises from work therapy between internal patients. The results are: soaps, rowers, agendas and sneakers that are being commercialized in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario (MACRO).
You can buy some designs at www.macrosario.org.ar or by email in popi_oliveros@hotmail.com
Trend Themes
1. Psychiatric Hospital Design - Opportunity to innovate product designs tailored to the unique needs and preferences of psychiatric hospital patients.
2. Work Therapy Products - Creating and commercializing products that serve as therapeutic tools and facilitate the interchange of work therapy sessions in psychiatric hospitals.
3. Mental Health Entrepreneurship - Empowering individuals with mental health conditions to launch successful businesses in the field of product design and manufacturing.
Industry Implications
1. Product Design - Disruptive innovation opportunities in designing products that cater to the diverse requirements of psychiatric hospital patients and support their therapy sessions.
2. Mental Health Services - Opportunity for mental health facilities to incorporate work therapy programs and leverage the resulting products as additional revenue streams.
3. Art and Retail - Innovation potential in the museum and art industry by showcasing and selling products created by psychiatric hospital patients as a means of destigmatizing mental illnesses.

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