Connected Personal Safety Alarms

The POM Safe Has the Virtual Escort Function

The POM Safe smart personal safety device is a multifunctional solution for consumers seeking out a way to enhance their peace of mind when walking home alone late at night and more.

The device works by being connected to a smartphone over Bluetooth and offers access to the Virtual Escort functionality that will automatically put the user in contact with the POM Response team at a preset time they fail to respond. The device can also be set to trigger a fake phone call when pressed three times to help the user get out of award situations without having to make up an excuse on the spot.

The POM Safe smart personal safety device has a water-resistant design and can be easily connected to a keychain.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Personal Safety Devices - The market for connected personal safety devices is expanding, providing an opportunity for companies to create innovative products that enhance personal safety.
2. Virtual Escort Functionality - The Virtual Escort feature provides peace of mind to consumers and could disrupt the traditional personal safety industry by replacing traditional security services.
3. Fake Call Trigger - The ability for devices to trigger fake calls provides a disruptive innovation opportunity to industries such as personal safety, dating, and social media, by empowering users to take control of their safety in uncomfortable situations.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Safety - Companies in the personal safety industry could benefit from incorporating new features like Virtual Escorts and fake call triggers into their existing products.
2. Smart Devices - The smart device industry has an opportunity to capitalize on the expanding personal safety market by innovating new smart personal safety devices like the POM Safe.
3. Dating Apps - Dating apps can integrate similar safety features (like fake call triggers) into their platforms to provide users with additional peace of mind while on dates.

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