Multipurpose Writing Apps

The Plume App is for Everything from Scripts to Technical Papers

The process of transferring ideas from the ethereal realm of thought into concrete existence as written word is difficult enough as it is, and the Plume app helps writers of all disciplines to do so as simply as possible. The multipurpose app can handle any type of writing, from creative to technical to note-taking, and its benefit is precisely in its ability to get out of writers' ways and simply let them write.

To be sure, the Plume app has organizational tools for keeping one's thoughts in order in the case of longer pieces. Novelists can organize their books into chapters displayed in the sidebar, and scriptwriters can do the same with scenes. Beyond that, though, the app is relatively bare, leaving the writing to the writers.
Trend Themes
1. Multipurpose Writing Apps - Plume app helps writers of all disciplines handle any type of writing.
2. Organizational Writing Tools - Plume app allows for organization of longer pieces like novels and scripts.
3. Streamlined Writing Applications - Plume app streamlines the writing process by getting out of the writer's way.
Industry Implications
1. Software Development - Potential for disruptive innovation in software development for streamlined writing applications.
2. Publishing - Potential for disruptive innovation in the publishing industry with multipurpose writing apps like Plume.
3. Technical Writing - Plume app can be disruptive innovation in technical writing industry, allowing writers to easily write technical papers and handle organization.

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