Gamer Streaming Services

Sony's PlayStation Vue Curates Live and On-Demand Programming

Sony's PlayStation Vue platform will appeal to gamers with a serious video streaming habit. The product offers up to 75 channels and on-demand programs that will result in hours of HD video. The newly introduced video service is a cable and subscribed streaming hybrid.

Curating a list of live broadcasts and on-demand programming, the PlayStation Vue can be described as a streamlined cable box that appeals to its viewer's interests. The service runs with the help of one's internet connection and will save un-watched and on-demand episodes in its cloud for 28 days before removing them.

This product will appeal to PlayStation fans who are already in the habit of using the multi-media system for movie or tv streaming.
Trend Themes
1. Streaming Platforms - The emergence of gaming streaming services like PlayStation Vue presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the streaming industry.
2. Curated Programming - The trend towards curated live broadcasts and on-demand programming opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in content curation and personalized entertainment.
3. Hybrid Services - The rise of hybrid cable and subscribed streaming services offers an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the convergence of traditional and digital media.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The gaming industry can benefit from the rise of gamer streaming services by exploring new ways to engage and monetize their audience.
2. Streaming - The streaming industry can leverage the growing popularity of gaming streaming services to expand their offerings and attract a wider audience.
3. Media Entertainment - The media entertainment industry can explore partnerships and collaborations with gaming streaming services to enhance their content and reach a larger viewer base.

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