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Playbrary GPT Merges Literature with Gaming

The National Library Board of Singapore introduces Playbrary GPT, an innovative concept that merges literature with gaming. Through this interactive platform, users have the opportunity to transform classic books into interactive adventure games. With the help of artificial intelligence, readers can immerse themselves in familiar literary worlds and embark on virtual quests inspired by renowned works.

The Playbrary GPT platform boasts a diverse library of over a thousand public domain books — from the mysteries of Sherlock Holmes to the fantastical realms of classic literature. One of the standout features of Playbrary GPT is its accessibility. Players can engage with the platform using the free prompt generator in ChatGPT-3.5. While a paid ChatGPT subscription is recommended for an enhanced gaming experience, the free version still offers an immersive literary journey that will delight users.

Although users cannot play through entire books, Playbrary GPT provides a unique way to interact with classic literature.

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